Proseminar in Finance

General information about the course
Lecturer Dr. Jan Pichler
Assistant Michael Ryf
Degree /  Credits BSc / 4 ECTS
Prerequisites Completed introductory study. "Valuation" is recommended.

The goal of this course is to equip students with the tools and methods so that they can i) read and understand a scientific paper, ii) relate a paper/topic to the relevant literature, iii) write their own research paper including data analysis, and iv) present their paper in front of other students. 

We will start with an overview of some of the central themes and mechanisms in finance. Next, we will discuss two methods that are frequently used in finance research, the event study and the portfolio performance analysis, and illustrate their implementation using various topics in finance, such as mergers & acquisitions, sustainable finance, or firms’ payout policy. Finally, we will look into data, which is another crucial ingredient for successful finance research. Students will become familiar with a selection of important databases and learn how to download and use the necessary data. Students will also learn how to search for relevant academic literature. Using these foundations, students write a research paper on a topic of their own choosing (including literature review and data analysis) and present the results to other students.”

Latest Syllabus SyllabusFS2025
Spots available & Registration

The next registration period will be from 23.10.2024 bis 06.11.2024 for the Spring Semester 2025. For more information, please visit: (link only active during registration period)